Mein Beratungsangebot
Neben meiner kurativen Tätigkeit als Embryotransfer-Tierarzt stelle ich mein Wissen und meine Erfahrung in Projekten im Bereich Reproduktionsmedizin beim Rind zur Verfügung (künstliche Besamung, Embryotransfer, in-vitro Produktion).
Dies kann in Form von Projektleitungen, Schulungen oder auch Beratungen sein.
Consultant on Assisted Reproduction (embryo transfer technology)
Embryo Transfer (ET) in cattle has been my expertise for 30 years.
The main focus during this time was:
- Building up and leading the Embryo Transfer Unite of Swissgenetics
- Gaining certification as export unit (international code: CH-AG-ET-1131)
- Performing all practical ET work (flushing, embryo handling, freezing, splitting, transfers, etc.)
- Building up and managing the IVP production of Swissgenetics
- Managing of the donor station and recipient herd of Swissgenetics
- Maintaining herd fertility health
- Training veterinarians and ET technicians in embryo transfer
- Lectures and presentations at agricultural colleges, veterinary courses, conferences
- Organization of the practitioners’ forum of the IETS 2019 in New Orleans on recipient management
- Different leading positions within Swissgenetics
- Board member of different national and international societies
- President of the Foundation of the IETS (invention of the Early Career Achievement Award)
- Head of the LOC (local organizing committee) of the convention of the AETE (Association of the Embryo Technology of Europe) in 2006 in Switzerland
- Co-owner of a consultant company since 2020
My wife and I started a business with the goal to consult and support embryo transfer worldwide in 2020 (e+r saner gmbh).